This article contains the following questions:
How to upload contacts via CSV?
1. Log in to Crowded’s web portal.
2. Go to the “Contacts” tab and click on “Invite Contacts.”
3. Click "Upload CSV"
4. Compile your contacts' information into an Excel, Numbers or Google Sheets document. Download our preformatted example to ensure proper formatting. You can upload up to 500 contacts at a time.
The following columns are required:
First name
Last name
Mobile number (include country codes, i.e. +1 for USA)
Date of birth (required for issuing debit cards)
5. Follow the prompts to check that all the data was uploaded correctly, and confirm the upload!
6. Your uploaded contacts should download the Crowded app, and will be able to log in with their phone number
How to invite contacts to Crowded with a registration link?
1. Log in to Crowded’s web portal.
2. Go to the “Contacts” tab and click on “Invite Contacts.”
3. Copy the link, and send to those who you wish to invite to Crowded
4. Your contacts will fill in their basic information to complete their registration